Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Johnny Cash Talked A Good Tune... But Could He Sing?

And Now for Something Completely Different and off the main trail...

Dave, my friend over at Homers, my favorite coffee shop, apparently is a Johnny Cash fan and I am not. Johnny Cash could not sing his way out of a paper sack in my opinion. He talked a good tune, but sing... well that is up for debate. Here is my proof for my side of the argument. I really could have picked anyone of his songs, to tell you the truth this was the first one I pulled up and I thought; wow, this or Ring of Fire or anything else would prove my point, so I stopped looking.

I personally will listen to just about any type of music. The two things that drive me nuts besides Elevator Music is Rap and whinny-complaining-nasally Country (I would rather listen to the sound of squealing brakes). My reaction to Rap is that all of it is Crap. Now I can go from Beethoven to Nine Inch Nails and anywhere between and never complain (well maybe a little).

Now I know there are a lot of Cash fans out in the world and in the spirit of Hike Your Own Hike I will let you enjoy the talkings of Johnny, but in the spirit of Hike Your Own Hike, please don't try to make the argument that he was a great singer.

By The Way Dave.... I think I came up with a possible name for our potential web-show. Reverberation

1 comment:

  1. if you don't like johnny cash, you probably can't stand one of my other favorite artists - tom waits. johnny even covered one of his tunes before he died.

    i'll think about that web show name.
