Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Chunky Bar-- Best Candy Bar Ever!!!!

The Chunky bar is the most underrated candy bar of all time, and my all time favorite!

Let’s start with the basics: a Chunky Bar, (which got its cringe-worthy name in the 1930s, after inventor Philip Silvershein decided to name the bar after his granddaughter, who apparently was also called “Chunky” – for obvious reasons), is a slab of creamy Nestle milk chocolate, raisins, and peanuts. It’s a bit like a giant Raisinet/Goober hybrid, as if someone left a box of Goobers and Raisinets to melt atop each other and then re-harden into a trapezoid candy bar that is just awesome.

Now you can argue all you want, but before you say a word about the glorious Chunky Bar go buy your favorite candy bar and a Chunky Bar. Take a bite of yours and then take a bite of that glorious Chunky Bar and then tell me I am wrong. Bet you can't do it!!!

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